The House Cleaning Technician (HCT) training and certification program is a comprehensive overview of best practices in cleaning.
This course is designed specifically for the H(ouse) C(leaning) T(echnician) who wants to meet the expectations of this more educated marketplace of homeowners.
Those who complete this course and pass the certification examination will be certified professionals who understand the value and methodology of proper cleaning.
The material presented in this course has been researched and peer reviewed; it presents the cleaning industry’s best practices.
HCT Certification classes must be taught by IICRC-approved instructors and through an IICRC-approved school, such as ISE – the Institute for Service Excellence. It is this third party validation through IICRC that makes House Cleaning Technician certification a “must have” for those cleaning companies who want to be viewed as the industry’s leading professionals in the future.
An Important Distinction between Certification versus Training: The HCT Certification validates an individual’s body of knowledge regarding the proper and safe removal of soil (cleaning), sanitizing, and disinfecting. These outcomes can be effectively accomplished through a variety of techniques, cleaning procedures, and solo/team cleaning models. The certification course makes no recommendations of procedures or products and will not interfere with your existing cleaning procedure or technician model, though it may inform revisions toward greater effectiveness, improved productivity, and even increased revenue.